The Issue 
This award winning, family owned security management firm approached us for help in supporting them as they moved from ‘small’ to ‘medium sized’. 
While this may not initially seem a big request, this is a transformation that many owner-managed businesses struggle with. At this stage in a company’s evolution, the owners and founders have to start letting go of the business, stop doing everything themselves, and recruit a management cadre to help them. The new people who join have to be trusted (and trust in return), and it can be both difficult to release this level of control and easy for the culture to drift from where you want it to be. 
This is also a journey that will always take time. Accordingly, we’ve agreed a rolling business coaching arrangement with the owners of Ashridge. So far, we’ve worked with the owners and their team and helped them with their business plan for the next five years, which has included: 
• Helping them create a clear vision 
• Supporting them with a full analysis of market conditions to develop strategic business choices 
• Co-creating the values and behaviours that will support the business’s ambitions 
• Helping them find and appoint a marketing partner 
• Facilitating them in transitioning to a larger office 
The business now has a robust business plan, and a clear focus about what they will do and - just as importantly - won’t do. They also know the types of people they need, in terms of both skills and fit, which has meant a review of existing personnel. Oh and turnover has doubled too! 
Mark Walker, Director, said “We have appointed The Red Thread Partnership because their reputation for organisational development and engagement is outstanding, and they will enable the business and our people to achieve amazing success and growth and be all it can be”. 
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