We co-create transformational and inclusive culture change programmes that inspire and energise everyone
in the organisation to feel excited about coming to work.
How We Do It.
Inclusive, human organisations have more highly engaged, motivated and productive people. We work with you to understand the diversity within your organisation, levels of engagement, effectiveness of internal communications, and how trusted and respected your leaders are. Inclusivity builds trust, which allows organisations to work more quickly and adapt faster. An inclusive company culture is a key differentiator in attracting and retaining talent. We will help you build that culture.
Our offer includes;
Frontier Fellowship
Culture change programmes
Creation of Purpose and Values
Individual and team inclusivity and emotional development
Employee engagement activities
Culture and/or communication audits

Culture Change

"Red Thread’s skill in linking leadership material together in a delegate friendly and progressive manner is exceptional.
They will go the ‘extra mile’ to ensure the
customer’s expectations are realised and
enable Red Thread to become an
extension of your business."
Culture Change
Your culture and living your values will have a critical impact on whether you can deliver your strategy and meet your ambitions. Leaders, at all levels, need to actively support, showcase and develop colleagues who live and breathe the desired culture and challenge those who don’t. You will also need to ensure your policies and processes are giving out the same message.
We’ve enabled leaders to move their culture from being responsive to proactive; from being product focused to service led; and from process to customer needs focused. Each time with a commensurate improvement in their performance.

Human Organisations

"What we love about you is that you
made us more human".
Human Organisations
Human organisations are safe, supportive, successful and are mindful of their impact on the community and planet. They recognise that their people are just that – people and not human resources. Challenges and opportunities are openly discussed, and people are encouraged to find innovative ways to deliver performance.
Using our Frontier Leadership process, we stimulate conversations that enable leaders to understand the wider organisational context and challenge their beliefs on how to deliver sustainable performance. Leaders we’ve worked with have thanked us for reminding them to bring their humanity to work.

Employee Engagement

"Red Thread have worked with our
European team on driving greater
team engagement, delivering business transformation, and providing
leadership mentoring/ development.
I have been very impressed with the
work delivered"
Employee Engagement
Research shows that leaders need to develop a strategic narrative, align their managers, listen to colleagues and act with integrity to drive engagement. It also shows that it takes four actively engaged colleagues to offset the impact of one actively disengaged colleague.
We can help and support you build the internal capability to deliver sustainable engagement by equipping and growing your teams. We have proven success in helping customers radically increase employee engagement and improve organisational performance.

Frontier Fellowship

Compassionate leaders who build more caring and inclusive communities leading the way as Frontier Leaders.
Frontier Fellowship
Frontier Fellowship combines the best of the Red Thread Fellowship programme and Frontier Leadership, bringing together your leaders and the voluntary organisations that deliver services and work in your community. Over a year, your leaders will learn and grow by supporting a local charity of your choice.
Participants from programmes have gone on to senior roles in their businesses, and chairs and trustees of the charities they have worked with – delivering amazing results in both roles.